Sales Outsourcing

Your Sales organization is fundamental to the future of your business

Do you want to give a new dynamic to your sales team or enter a new market? Restructure the current sales team, reduce the level of risk and continue to transform the business?
Sales Factory is your sales force. We can support the design of the strategy or be “your sales department”, in an outsourcing model.


External specialists bring a new vision that cements and enhances the strengths of your team. We work on two main axis with our clients: people and strategy. We recruit, train and manage your sales team, and help define your sales strategy.

We offer a transparent and fully accountable outsourcing or co-sourcing sales solution, focusing on metrics, processes and using the latest technologies in sales and customer management.


  • Recruitment and selection
  • Outsourcing/co-sourcing sales team management
  • Commercial department in outsourcing/co-sourcing
  • Alignment with internal teams
  • Lead Generation, Prospecting, Outbound, Negotiation and Closing
  • Pipeline and CRM
  • KPI’s and report
  • Performance management
  • Management and report
  • Performance reviews

We offer you an online session 
with a dedicated manager

We show you what we can do for your business based on extensive market experience.

Nuno Condinho
Nuno Condinho

“Over a 20-year career, I have managed sales and operations teams in 3 different continents (Europe, Middle-East and Africa). Flexibility and pragmatism are essential to adapt to different contexts and respect different cultures and business habits.
There are, however, common characteristics in any geography: no matter how profound the transformation, it is always the people who are at the center. In the “digital age” technology brings increased efficiency, but it is, above all, the opportunity to place the customer (truly) at the center of the organization. “